Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hmm..I saw my face in the mirror today...Flushed and pink.Think I'm starting to like it a lil more than I should..Feel like this self worshippin female..Runnin s great when you want your thoughts in place. I completed 10 without taking a break and the best part was the last round when I increased my pace. My chin shook, my breathing was the only thing I was aware of and I lived some more. A small cat came up to me when i lying on the bench and licked my fingers as I tried to cool the heat on my face..That amazing heat. My flight went pretty ok..Came home, lit a smoke and turned on the laptop, saw this girl on a mission with 4 men, got disgusted and I quickly took a shower..well, my sis asked if I wasnt in talkin terms with my best fren so to prove her otherwise i called her. She said she d problem adjusting to the title of a wife(she got married lately) and I told her the secret..Be good in e kitchen & e bedroom. The rest is the rest..Lol! As if i applied that..well, anyway I got a few calls from those that i met lately but i was unwilling to go to KL or to wherever they were & makan dont interest me at this moment. I totally forgot i was suppose to meet this girl as well and i apologized. Hmm..short term memory is what I am suffering from. I hated my ringtone then(a sci fi alien descendin sorta noise), it annoyed evryone else n that was y i kept it in the first place n then it started to annoy me as well..Mute sounded better. I like talk shows in mute..
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Did a sketch of Aung San and I couldn't capture the softness of her eyes...Her beauty made it harder. I cant make a person smile when i draw, it always turns out to be one's most unfeeling, cold look..Perhaps thats how i see them.
The chilean wine turn out to be a disappointment..yesterday was one disappointment,today as well..I didnt know a No could numb me this way.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I was gonna go down just to wet my fingers at least but then a damn thunder shook me. I realized i am alone in the house...I dont easily get scared,in fact its scary that I dont fear anything at all.. but these days i make sure i lock my room just before I sleep. A few unsolicited calls in my hotel room in the middle of the night gave me nightmares earlier...I even remember the name of the captain. The last time i felt the same was back home when this guy started making it a routine to follow me everyday after tuition. I told dad hoping him to solve the issue but he simply told me to quit going for classes..I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling repulsed at my weakness..for being a girl. I was 16 at that time. Of course i maneuvered around this tag as well...cut ques, got free entries for movies, clubs etc etc..just recently one of the guy that i worked on the flight was amazed that a passenger whom i spilled red wine(on his crisp white shirt) didnt complained at all. He said if he were the one who did the mishap, the passenger would ve screwed him upside down.I ve never paid any fine for drivin without a license even tho caught on several bUt i also know that I cant compete with the sheer strength of a man..I learnt instead that loushing na samu fabane..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The past ten days I spent mostly indoors,behind closed doors, all by myself and I realized it could be shocking to find myself doing things i am not proud of. I ate crap,never let the housekeeping come in to change the bedsheets and I kept talking to myself! I wept during commercial breaks when a thought suddenly creeps in..and quickly wiped my tears when the movie continued. I would ve lost my mind if i continued doing what I did. So one morning I woke up early and when to the health club and ran on the treadmill for an hour..rested in the sauna after that. And spent the rest of the afternoon walking alone in huge shopping malls and trying new shoes.
I was in this mexican joint when an american asked me to join him. He lingered for a moment in his subtle persuasion..well, I wanted to be alone & I had ordered tacos(u know its messy with the cheesy dressin droppin off when u eat that) but then i agreed..I hadnt spoken to anyone in days. I forgot most of what we talked about but i noticed he had green eyes that appeared gold near his pupils..and i also noticed that he was staring at my naked shoulder when my shirt slid a bit as i turned to point towards a direction of a shop...After a few awkward conversation n staring at each other i walked off towards my hotel. Perhaps it was better that way. Phone numbers and promises to meet were part of the temporarism of our time. I ve so many numbers that I cudnt put a face to..I m sure its the same with the other person. I could hear the thunder in the might rain tonight. I keep listening to this song that i cant get rid off, maybe i never tried deleting it. well, I wanted to finish this sketch that i started before my flight but i havent really touched the pencil eversince i got back. 12 hours in a flight could screw one's sense of focus. Its an excuse though coz i d stayed up whole night to start that...
Gosh,its starting to rain..I am debating in my mind whether to go out n get soaked...or not...its 3 in the morning.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Talk about physical exertion..!I Feel like the cat who s got the cream..
If the world ll fall apart in a fiction worthy wind, I wudnt change a thing..
Love is a verb here in my in my room.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Jogged this it age catching up or my unhealthy habits that I was panting after the third round.I remember I had this fuel that burnt constantly when i ran earlier..Well, anyway by the time i was in the 11th lapse I felt much better.I loved the sweat & the physical exertion.
I feel a certain restlessness though..perhaps its the events that ll happen tom.i see the futility of my efforts...
An appointment at Raffles boulevard, a few forgettable shops in between n yes, matthias.My keyboard seems to ve froze or is it my fingers?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Jet lagged & hungry.
I got called up for a 7days seoul san fransisco just 5 hours before the reportin.So when I reached seoul the next day i slept off on the sofa of my hotel room.Had a flight the next day to California.11 plus hours...I felt screwed sideways.Anyway,when I finally reached SFO i slept thru out the day n woke up hungry again.So I went down to this fast food joint just outside Parc55.I saw a few blacks screamin out somethin incoherent..think they might be under an influence..A lot of bummers i passed by n this guy sorta almost came beside me.I heart skipped a beat.I had a whole day to I went out in the mornin..My gosh,the place was so alive...people performin on the streets..tap dancers, violinists..painters..
Well, I shopped!Never blew so much money in my life.Sale in America is so cool.Its a lot better than korea..I got this black tight pant that was size double zero!n the salesboy told me i sud ve a happy smile on my face today..haha.He hasnt seen my ribcage.Shoppin is rescue when u re bored out of ur brains.And i thought I wont buy anything on my way back to seoul...My cargo bag looked as if it wanted to vomit!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sleep never came in so easily. Its 6.20 in the morning.Again.
Thought i might as well eat breakfast and sleep so I went to the fridge to look for the carton of milk. Chose the dark grapes instead.turn out to be with seeds, shit.Two sticks left of a pack.Gosh, am i rushing myself to my deadbed? I looked at the pack n learnt that its spelt as c-i-g-a-r-e-t-t-e and not with a 'gg' in it, n i ve been smoking for!
Think I got paid..I thought the salary wud at least cheer me up..
I thot i sniffed the scent of my own hair as i got up to close the curtains..How was i earlier? Comin out of the shower, gettin ready to go out..he told me once that i'll never look as beautiful as i was on that day.Nothing makes sense these days..Perhaps when mom calls me on the phone,i see a glimpse of reality thru her voice..the rest of the time, its an overcast of nothingness. I feel empty.
I almost went ahead to email this person long dead..
To say that I felt perfect with you once..
Think the scar is still there altho i dont remember how the pain felt like.How was it really?did my pillows stained with my tears...did i cringed as i let it go?I dont remember..It does feel like a dream, remembering only bits & pieces when u wake up the next day..half conscious, half lost in oblivion.
Friday, July 24, 2009
This so call 'arrangement' that I have with the stranger is so crystal clear..that we only chew what we can swallow. Nothing more, nothing less...It was my terms, my conditions..It rained again and I stood by the window and thought of this forest in Hamburg...
The phone seems to be dead.Then I remembered my own words'..dont text me when u re in germany, I need this silence..'Oh yeA, i did say that..Now that I think of it, i do like this silence..its a lil heavy to carry when your conscience sets in.Why cant I take it casually?Enjoy the moment while it last...I guess I know the answer already..That its not real.Its never gonna stay in my hand no matter how tight i clench my fist.It ll slip away, silently in the night.I felt this tightening in my chest..I told myself lightning cant hit in the same place twice.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Have I found you?Flightless bird...
Jealous, weeping or lost you..
The calendar says its 23rd of july..Shit,its cheng's birthday..Lost track of time & dates. I am so dependent on my phone to even remember which part of the world am I.I actually stayed up to wish her but it must be 6 in the mornin in india. I am on standby, I might get called up for any shitty flight that they assigned me. I stayed up all night to sketch a face. I was so aware of the fact that my hands werent as awake as my heart was..
I ran today in the cheap jogging shoes were actually comfortable.I pushed myself untill i was breathless.Where m I.Singapore yes.
So much has changed since i last wrote anything here. I got what i asked for..a job that lets me travel every alternate days..I got the whitest of bedsheets, been to america for the strip clubs,tasted amsterdam's weeds..what else did I wanted? I forgot.
The latest news is i m unable to store anything new in my head..I smoke half a pack A day,jet lag is my lover in bed and i dont recognise people i cared before.I do know that I am miles away from them...from home, from all that I held precious..its morning already.I have learnt something though..I look each day in its eye.
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