Thursday, November 27, 2008
It might rain again..Maybe I'll finish the eulogy.The weather is rather encouraging..Its dark and a desolated view from the terrace.Or maybe I'll go out in the rain wearing smudged eyeshades and unruly hair..And Ve an ice cream. Maybe I'll go vist a grave I know. Or maybe I'll go see a face. Have you ever wondered why rockers screams so much, bang their guitars and totally act epileptic? Are there some feelings that cud only be expressed when u scream out? The rings feel tight on my index. I hate wearing metals, no ring, no chain no peircings...If I cud, I'd wear no clothes either. But Its my Granma's heirloom...The only thing that reminds me that she existed once. She had one tooth and she smiles so sweetly. Why is it that only good people die? I know one person whom I wish wud die..chases away evry bit of sanity in me,these thoughts..If it does happen will it hurt more than it does now? Will All these things that I hold inside die too?The phone rang...A summon from my brother to cum pay him for his attendance shortage. His exam is the day after. Hmm..will feel blackand blue when i drag myself out of this room.
The only dream worth having is to dream that you will
live while you are alive, and die only when you are
dead.To love, to be loved. To never forget your own
insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable
violence and vulgar disparity of the life around you.
To seek joy in the saddest places.
To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is
complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect
strength, never power. Above all to watch. To try to
understand. To never look away.
And never, never to forget.
Arundhati Roy.
But I stopped my toblerone and Triple distilled vodka diet..I was bloody skinny. I ve a few novels to finish b4 I leave..cant carry all these fat books ..Dostoevsky's The brother Karamazov for one. Guaranteed to put me to sleep soon enuf, yet I still choose these sort of literary craps over the more eloquent Helen Fielding or the annoyingly popular Harry fucking Potter series...The NY bestsellers lists are just as bad..Strange becomes too opinionated or wiser, supposedly.I ve no one in my circle who reads..apart from my Estha n Dad..He reads Guy de Maupassant for christ's sake..well how does one decide which book to read n which to avoid?Go by Man Booker's nominees?Pulitzer, the best seller's etc etc..I dont know..sumtimes I just go with the cover. Sumtimes people who seems nice turn out to be actually nice, like tomatoes that looks juicy n red from outside are juicy inside as there any other way to judge?Lol..think its rather shallow not to judge by appearances. As for immoral or moral books, I quite agree with Oscar wilde..That books are either well written or badly written,there is no such thing as a moral book.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Got a call past midnite last words. It rang again and this time i heard the voice n I flinched. Looser. I wrote later that it was the most despicable person in this world. Why do I need this hatred to heal?? Does it mean I am too weak, too human oh Prometheus? lol. Does any frenship end in a good way? If it does, perhaps its not over if we said goodbye only in words.
I am leaving this city for good, I ve a German 1st level to pass and I am thru here..It’s a diff matter that I havent touched the book. Yet. Well, I’ll make a to do list for this week b4 I board the flight home. Visit the cemetery, read german, buy formal shoes, stock on necessities..Cigarettes, sanitary pads etc etc, get a jacket and a skirt,buy no vodkas..I ve miles to go before I drink. I ve miles to go before I
Saturday, November 15, 2008
How can you stand not knowing what you want?
Howard Roark

One in the morn' and I m listening to Kt Tunstall's Gone to the Dogs..It reminds me of a face. How many songs has it been? Wish I cud just call it a day here and drift off to sleep. Everyone else seems to do it so easily.
Went to the general physician this afternoon..Felt that the doc sorta wanted me to talk,so i just continued to look at her blankly. She then suggested that i see the in house shrink if i wasnt willin to talk rite now..she even mentioned settlin down n blah blah...i see the point.
My feet s aching, perhaps it wasnt a good idea to go to commercial St wearin a 3 inc sandal..
Friday, November 14, 2008

Learnt 2 things today...1. There is a dog collar belt out there that repels flea and 2. Gycoma is an eye infection, a bad one. My younger bro got a pug with one blind eye n he is stugglin to keep the other,the vet says there is a thin chance. But he was gonna keep it no matter what. The dog was bloody cute. .I saw this canine wanking himself coz he got real horny..Lol. Felt a tightening in my chest as I left his place…I know animals ve better instincts than us but I really wanted him to ve his other eye ok…just so he wont bang himself on the walls.He named the pug ‘kaka’ after the football player. I reduced smoking drastically…to 4sticks a day. Was it because of Robbie’s decision to quit it altogether…Or perhaps I dont enjoy lighting up anymore. There was nothing like a slow drag after a long day, alone in bed with the lights out…For peace and quiet it was unbeatable. Kept thinking about Zeitgeist, the documentary…there were a lot of things in it that we werent included in our books back in school. About religion, wars or the banking cartels.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
If this is giving up, then I'm giving up... Anna Nalick's Wreck of the Day is playin on the Ipod. Is it the cheap coincidence of the words that made me reach out to play Incubus's vitamin instead. I prefer loud distortions to love sick songs...Its silly when i think of all those songs I listened to after I broke up last time...Daisy,REM's Everybody hurts...James Blunt's U r! Just got back from the Lab where I gave the medical test...Even till this date, I feel shy...think I frustrated the technician there coz I hung a lil too longer to my tshirt b4 i could open up for the ECG. A fren of mine got ditched by her beau lately.. Needles to say she was in pain..I listened to her but offered no consolations..perhaps i knew its futile coz nothin wud sink in her head at this time.. She said she wanted to run grieve. Hmm...I am not a sensible person in this matter to advise anyone..The last time I felt a jolt like that, I went to beat that person knew if i had a gun i'd empty all the bullets on that person.
Is it possible to hate someone in the same intensity as u'd love him?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Was gonna go for the Great Indian Rock Concert yesterday..Satyricon..A Norwegian Band was performing among others. My bro n rob bailed out, said Quantum of Solace was a better option. I remembered the last time I was at Palace G where Aerosmith performed last yr. Amongst thousands of male rock fans I was sandwiched for 3 and half hrs,had to bear it coz my ticket was Red entry(=closer to the stage) n I cud only leave losin my spot. So I stayed amidst body odors n dust...James Bond it is..