Thursday, November 27, 2008

Watched a chinese horror flick alone last nite. It was 1am by the time it got over. My sis was watchin earlier with me untill shesaw one scene, screamed and left the room. The horror of menstruating twice a month plus the PMS was worse than seein ghosts and gore. To add to my discomfort I got an eye infection thats makin me look like a victim in one of Quentin Tanrantino's movie. This is not the best time of the year with winter approachin and its rainin! Talk about depression!There s a bottle of water waiting for me to gulp down...One of my sis's standin order..To counter toxins that I accumulated over the years..Lol.I know water is a great thing, I just hate drinkin it..I tried mixing it with fruit flavours or buy cartons of Tropicanas to deal with it. Perhaps the only time I like water is when I wake up with a bad hangover..It taste really good at that time. Anyway, a fren suggested that i pour it in a vino glass and sip it when I am doin a puzzle or readin..seems to work a bit.I am trying to straighten my habits a lil, I even gained 4pounds which is a huge achievement..I didnt mind bein called a somalianrefugee earlier but then it started to get on my skin when I had to hear that from everyone...Everyone.Even during a recent interview, at the kebaya round I was told that I was quite skinny. I didnt know how to react. Maybe I shouldnt give a fuck..I knowall my frens envy my flat stomach considering the shit load of junks i eat..Lol.
But I stopped my toblerone and Triple distilled vodka diet..I was bloody skinny. I ve a few novels to finish b4 I leave..cant carry all these fat books ..Dostoevsky's The brother Karamazov for one. Guaranteed to put me to sleep soon enuf, yet I still choose these sort of literary craps over the more eloquent Helen Fielding or the annoyingly popular Harry fucking Potter series...The NY bestsellers lists are just as bad..Strange becomes too opinionated or wiser, supposedly.I ve no one in my circle who reads..apart from my Estha n Dad..He reads Guy de Maupassant for christ's sake..well how does one decide which book to read n which to avoid?Go by Man Booker's nominees?Pulitzer, the best seller's etc etc..I dont know..sumtimes I just go with the cover. Sumtimes people who seems nice turn out to be actually nice, like tomatoes that looks juicy n red from outside are juicy inside as there any other way to judge?Lol..think its rather shallow not to judge by appearances. As for immoral or moral books, I quite agree with Oscar wilde..That books are either well written or badly written,there is no such thing as a moral book.

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