I read about this person 6 yrs back, who succumbed to a rare brain disease. She was a Mathematician. It says the dementia, although stole life out of her & frustrated her as her mathematical ability slipped away from her, it also gave her a rare creativity. She's spent hour & hours in her studio, painting & drawing. She did a bar by bar representation of a classical piece call Bole'ro by Maurice Ravel. She called it Unravelling Borlero. The outcome was a kaleidoscope of colors.
I ve noticed people with great minds usually has a weak body...Its some sorta way, energy balances itself in our Universe. A friend of mine had the weakest of body when his mind went thru gushes of creativity..He came out with lines & thoughts so unbelievably beautiful that I would sit and listen in awe.. I don't see Einstein with a body of an athlete.
Why is that beauty takes so much out of us?
Its reminds me of William Wordsworth's Solitary Reaper. No one knew what the song was about..Neither did the poet. He mused over her voice when she sang in the fields...Was her song about love or of pain of losing someone to a war? My english teacher told me the most beautiful song comes out from the saddest of heart.. She must've lost someone. Well, I couldn't really comprehend what my teacher was trying to tell me at that time..I was more concerned not to let him touch my cheeks during his lecture as he wud do sometimes. Coarse hands brushing my skin. Sent me the creeps up my spine..In between a boy would give me a side glance during class... I was distracted, I was growing up. But like an aftertaste of a cigarette in my mouth, my teacher's theory on beauty & angony stayed on my mind. I would cycle back to my house, passing by the river banks, speeding up in the crowded market & my brake didn't work so I heard the occasional 'thorai macha' from old women...Never once forgetting what my teacher said in his lecture. I think I remembered each word that came out from his mouth that day, remembered his expression as he looked down on us thru his reading glass. He was an ugly man. With a beautiful mind & he could talk. And I usually find rhetoric pretty shallow.. But sometimes when I read this article of an actress who was once really pretty, got cancer and ballooned up today to thrice her original size, I wonder how did she cull out those words from her mind. She mixed humor, hope, fear & pain in her articles. Beauty does take a lot out of us. I wished I had a plasto eraser that worked on my life the way it works on paper.
aphasia, transmodal creativity!
have you seem the painting?Not impressive or I became too accustomed to holding rifles to admire art.I find gogh,warhol,bellini,titian or eyck boring.Matt Groening is the real artist hehe
Hahahahaha..u re silly.You chat with me in that way, keepin me awake for an hour now & come up with a comment like that!
why BSF?
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