Monday, September 13, 2010

I ended up late night at the beach, sat with my knees to my chin looking at the waves. Looked above every time a plane took off. Instinctively..
You know, our brain is so powerful that when we tell our mind to wake up at a particular hour you won't need a alarm doesn't forget much if you learn how to associate one event after another. Locating a misplaced key for instance is easier to figure out if you remember what you did & when you did it. I usually loose things. I loose my mind sometimes. Singaporeans are so good at organizing, extremely efficient & they re avid followers of SOPs..Standard operating procedures. My company runs with robotic SOP operators, anything out of the norms and they sweat their armpits. Indians on the other hand are terrible when it comes to rules..I hung with a couple of locals, some works in the police force, some are engineers and I realized how different I am from them.
Come May 2011 and I wouldn't know where I'd be..This job isn't so bad, especially the lifestyle that it gives us..We work our way up, end up in a hotel room and all we do is party or shop. Its not that it pays well but it puts us right there without making an effort of calling your frens & acquaintance for a night out..
I think I'm writing all the things that I don't wanna write..

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