My roommate of a year an a half left Singapore and her job for good. I told her every end is a new beginning. I guess I was consoling myself more when I told her its gonna be ok..You gonna live a better life, happier..I had been with her in the last few days when she was going thru a phase..of wondering whether it was the right thing to leave the job, the money, the traveling, the clothes, She knew she was going back to where she started from.
Perhaps, its a circle..The place which appears like an end might just be the beginning.
I did learn two things:
Quit only when you have enough money to last for 5 months at least. And if you haven't saved anything its still ok if you ve a boyfren like pankaj who tells her to take her time to figure things out, supports her meanwhile..or like Sijina who s getting married next month. She quit as well. But I d rather not depend on a man. A man with a 'no strings attached' mindframe. Or any man for that matter. Robert who keeps asking me to come back & marry him or TK who is still hoping I d come back to Manipur one day. No man. Not even my father. M*#^!%#@! men.
Second is Know why you re quitting.
I need to look for a place to stay if I am staying here for another 8 months.
I don't know whats next after 8 months. Tokyo.India.America. Mom obviously wants me to quit if I m unhappy here n not to ruin my health flying all the time. She mellows me down.
awrite,that aint funny
Had always known yu wudn stay with a job for not more than a year.Yur sister had to kick yu out yu only admitted!
Fpund it endearing that yu put America at least.
n dont fucking call me
Listen,thts not what i meant!!Come to msn.Please.
okays! First i was kidding.
second, yu were the one who said men are pigs
I am looking for the 'block assholes' button!
aiite, mute it or deliberately turn it off when yu see my name! Sweet!!
I just meant he would have liked to see yu in the govt and I wouldn't mind yu trying yur luck here! Thats all I meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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